In a unanimous decision, the New Jersey Supreme Court has reaffirmed the individual’s fundamental right to remain silent during a custodial interrogation following a traffic stop. State of New Jersey v. Manaf Stas, A-14-11. This ruling is especially important because neither the New Jersey statute nor the U.S. Constitution state the specific circumstances under which the [...]
Read More »Phone Apps for Car Accidents
Unfortunately, accidents happen. Obtaining critical documentation immediately following a car accident can save you a lot of time of money in the long run. Free smartphone applications now exist to help you do so. Some of the features of such applications include access and directions to emergency help and roadside service, the ability to call [...]
Read More »New Jersey Red-Light Cameras Under Investigation.
New Jersey is currently investigating its red-light camera program over concerns motorists are not being given enough time to get through intersections and whether towns are performing required inspections on the camera systems. Tickets will not be issued at those certain locations until it is determined whether the traffic systems are in compliance with the law. [...]
Read More »Individuals Texting to Drivers Are Not Liable to Car Accident Victims.
A New Jersey Court has held that texting to a driver does not make one liable to victims of an accident, even if the texter knows the recipient is driving a car at the time of the text. In Kubert v. Best, MRS-L-1975-10, attorney Stephen “Skippy” Weinstein of Morristown, New Jersey, made a novel, but [...]
Read More »Don’t Drink and Drive…It Will Cost You.
You can’t longer need to exhaust hours infiltrating power in a lady or your sexual accomplice profoundly, on the off chance that you haven’t sildenafil generic from canada practiced for some time, begin with something simple, for example, a day by day walk. Premature ejaculation is frenzied ejaculation either former or soon shortly sexual saturation, [...]
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